Processing Scans and Adding Items to OneDrive


After scanning and photography is complete, it is necessary to process the scans, add the items to OneDrive for storage, and transfer them to external hard drives for final access and preservation.

Processing Scans:

Processing 2D Photos:

Adding Items to OneDrive:

Processing Scans

Processing Images

Screenshot showing how to navigate to Adobe's batch process feature
Screenshot showing selections within Adobe's batch process feature

In the access jpg folder, open images in Photoshop crop colorbar and straighten images. To straighten, use ruler tool>image>image rotation>arbitrary. This will keep the image flat, rather than create layers. Save.

To adjust levels in photoshop go to image>adjustments>levels. A box will pop up, click auto and okay. Save.

Once levels are adjusted, go to image>auto color then try both image>auto contrast and image>auto tone. Whichever of these last two look better, use that and save.

intro image here

Processing Documents

Screenshot showing how to navigate to options for converting or combining files to create a PDF
Screenshot showing selections for Adobe's text recognition feature

Adding Items to OneDrive:

Adding Documents to OneDrive

Scanned documents saved in your OneDrive will need to be uploaded to the Documents folder in the AWBLA OneDrive.

Download the Documents folder structure prior to scanning
Scan documents directly into the renamed item folder in your personal OneDrive
Upload the renamed item folder to the AWBLA OneDrive

Adding Scanned Images to OneDrive

Scanned images saved in your OneDrive will need to be uploaded to the Photos-Negatives folder in the AWBLA OneDrive.

Download the Photos-Negatives folder structure prior to scanning
Scan images directly into the renamed item folder in your personal OneDrive
Upload the renamed item folder to the AWBLA OneDrive

Adding Slides to OneDrive

Scanned slides saved in your OneDrive will need to be uploaded to the Slides folder in the AWBLA OneDrive.

Download the Slides folder structure
Scan slides directly into the renamed item folder in your personal OneDrive
Upload the renamed item folder to the AWBLA OneDrive

Adding 2D Photos to OneDrive

Images taken during 2D photography will need to be transferred from the memory card to the Desktop, from the desktop into your personal OneDrive with correct folder structure, then uploaded to the 2D Artifact Photos folder in the AWBLA OneDrive.

Transfer the photos from the memory card to the Desktop
Download the 2D Artifact Photos folder structure
Transfer the photos from the Desktop into the renamed item folder in your personal OneDrive
Upload the renamed item folder to the AWBLA OneDrive

Adding Photogrammetry Photos to OneDrive

Images taken during photogrammetry will need to be transferred from the memory card to the Desktop, from the desktop into your personal OneDrive with correct folder structure, then uploaded to the 3D Artifact Photos folder in the AWBLA OneDrive.

Download the 3D Artifact Photos folder structure
Transfer the photos from the SD card into the renamed item folder

Processing 2D Photos

Processing images

Create a main object folder. Will be named as follows:

Within each main object folder create folders that match the image below.

Use the SD card reader to upload images to the JPEG folder and process within this folder.

From experience, it is easier to sort through images by editing first and then rename. Crop all images you wish to keep and do not edit those you do not want. All uncropped JPGs and their corresponding RAW files can be moved to the Test Shot folder. Then what is left simply needs renaming. RAW files are.NEF ANY image you do not use can live in the Test shots folder - better than deleting incase you move the wrong photo

Edit images

Refer to the image below to determine how to crop. Do NOT crop too close to the top of the artifact. Around the CM scale crop approximately 1/8” of “daylight”, just like in our document scans! Ensure this daylight is EVEN on right and left of CM scale, the bottom can be less.

Straighten images as needed in Photos with sliding scale pictured below. This is not as precise as Photoshop, so use your best judgment.

Naming images

Each artifact will have 4 final images associated with it (sometimes more) 2 jpg and 2 raw (NEF) files.

Keep all JPG and RAW files in one folder - this allows for easier processing and renaming.

Once all images are renamed: sort images by type and move files to their corresponding folders.

Then TIF files will be created from the RAW files using Photoshop

List the file names in our Library Metadata List

Copy and paste the directory link from File Explorer “C:\Users\yourname\OneDrive - University of Idaho\CLIR-DHC Crabtree\2D Artifact Photos\Processed-JPEG\CE_CB_D1” into a Internet browser. To select all use “Control + A” and then copy with “Control + C”. Paste these in an empty Excel sheet using right click to keep text only!

Open Find and Replace “Control + H” and type “.jpg” into the Find box and leave the Replace box empty this will leave our file names with the correct conventions. Copy and paste these rows into the “File Name” column in the correct library drop Excel sheet.

For the Date column, highlight the entire column and in the Find box type: ,* as we want to delete all information AFTER the comma leaving the date ex.”5/23/2022”. Once copied over to the Metadata sheet you will need to format the column to ensure it is in the correct format “2022-05-23”

To isolate the Catalog number and add Ce. preform these steps:

Copy the file name into the CatNumber column and Find and Replace everything except the Cat #. Example: for Cabinet D, Drawer 3 (CE_CD_D3_#-LETTER) type in to the Find box *“_“** (underscore) and then ”-*“ (dash).

From here, create a new temporary column. In the cell left of the first cat # type: =”Ce.”& then like other formulas select all boxes you want this to be applied to and hit Enter. Then highlight the results and hover over the edge of the column until you see the black four arrow pointer appear - DRAG with RIGHT CLICK to Cat # column and select “Copy as Values”.

Hard drive upload**

Photos will go loose into "2D-Objects" in "JPEG-Website" and "TIF" --------------

Adding 3D Agisoft Projects to OneDrive

Files and models created when using Agisoft Metashape will need to be uploaded to the 3D Projects folder in the AWBLA OneDrive.

Download the 3D Projects folder structure prior to starting a 3D project

Save the 3D project in the renamed item folder in your personal OneDrive

Upload the item folder to the AWBLA OneDrive

One the 3D project is complete: