2D Photography


Important terminology

      All items below are highlighted on printed sheets of the manual in the photo room
      WB button p. 1, #5 
      Power switch p.1, #10
      Shutter release button (we use a remote) p.1, #11
      Control panel p. 1, #15
      Sub-command dial p. 2, #2 
      FN button p. 2, #4 
      Battery slot p. 2, #6
      Ten-pin remote terminal p. 3, #8
      Main dial p. 4, #7 
      Multi-selector p. 4, #8 
      SD Card slot p. 4, #9
      LV mode p. 4, #12
      Zoom-out button p. 4, #18 
      Playback button p. 4, #23  

Daily camera set-up

Insert SD card into SD Card slot, turn on camera using the power switch, make sure battery is charged and insert it in the battery slot.

Turn on LV mode and follow the steps below. These steps will need to be REDONE each time the camera is turned on


Here are the above steps in a different way: Looking at the camera’s monitor

Then set the correct White Balance (WB) preset (“PRE”) based on the color background you have. You will need to reset the WB every time a new background color is used. Walk around the table so you can see the Control panel

WB Presets

Taking the shot

Make sure you:

  1. Use the lint roller or canned air to clean any dust off the background felt, this may need to be done more than once a session.
  2. Wear gloves when using the white background.
  3. Use kneeded eraser/modeling clay to hold artifact for the photo if needed.
  4. Only use LV mode when positioning new object, otherwise TURN OFF. It drains the battery and slows the photo taking process.
  5. Turn on remote shutters: 6. Turn on the two Pixel Pro Wireless Remote Controls by pressing and holding the On button till screen displays “CH 01”. 7. Use large button to focus, push down half-way and hold, finish pushing down to take the photo. 8. On LV the red box will turn green and a beep will sound when focus is achieved.

General Set-up

Small artifacts

Large artifacts

Taking photos

Each drawer will have a printed list of all artifacts to keep track of your progress.

Just in case

If things get out of order refer to this section to reset the camera to our preferred settings

Prior to shooting, make sure Manual Mode is selected, shutter speed is 125, the f stop is 8, and ISO is 100. All should be set and locked with these settings and should remain the same even after camera is shut off. For details on changing these, see below.

Mode: Manual Mode (M on camera)

ISO: 400-100, most likely 100

Fstop: F8

Shutter speed: 125 - 80 depending on background color